Biological physicists (like Richard Berry and his team) are intently interested in understanding exactly how this stepping motor works, and they have recently been able to develop the instrumentation to start answering these kinds of questions. Our group is interested in how life deals with fluctuations so we were very interested in their work. Note that you can't use microscopy techniques like conventional electron microscopy, because you have to kill the cell in order to image it. Then you have no chance of seeing the motor in action.
Because of the jostling microscopic environment the data produced by these new systems can be very noisy. We developed statistical methods that tried to separate out the physics we did know (aspects of mechanics and thermal noise) from the biological physics we didn't (how the motors actually steps between successive molecular configurations). This is where statistical modelling comes in: it turns out that the problem of separating step-like motion from the noise in the data so you can image the step-like motion is difficult unless you invoke non-traditional signal processing methods. You also need to take account of the experimental apparatus that introduces some unavoidable lag into the system (Richard's team attaches a tiny bead to the flagellum and tracks this bead). In our soon-to-be-published Biophysical Journal paper "Steps and bumps: precision extraction of discrete states of molecular machines using physically-based, high-throughput time series analysis" (you'll find a pre-print on our publications page), we also introduced a novel technique based on a kind of probabilistic periodicity detection, for teasing out the cylindrical arrangement of proteins that make up the main structure of the motor, which gives the motor a characteristic set of "dance steps". Max and Nick
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